Ah Boys To Men (Part 1~3) (DVD) (2012~2014) シンガポール映画
  • Ah Boys To Men (Part 1~3) image 1
  • Ah Boys To Men (Part 1~3) image 2


Ah Boys To Men (Part 1~3)

  • Ah Boys To Men (Part 1~3) image 1
  • Ah Boys To Men (Part 1~3) image 2

Ah Boys To Men (Part 1~3)

  • Ah Boys To Men (Part 1~3) image 1
  • Ah Boys To Men (Part 1~3) image 2
  • ビデオ
  • NTSC: Widescreen 16:9
  • オーディオ
  • 福建語/闽南语 / 中国語 / 英語
  • 字幕
  • 英語, 中国語, マレー語
  • ディスク
  • DVD ディスク
    3-Disc Box Set
  • 地域コード
  • Region All


  • 商品名 : Ah Boys To Men (Part 1~3)
  • ジャンル : アクション / コメディ
  • 生産/放送日 : 2012~2014年
  • 発売日 : 2015年05月17日
  • ディスク枚数 : 3 枚
  • 重量 : 230(g)
  • 生産国 : Singapore

  • ストーリー紹介
  • Part 1:
    Ken, who is born into a rich family with a businessman father and a homemaker mother, has been spoilt by his mother and grandmother since young. After finishing his A Levels with subpar grades that are below the cutoff grades of the local universities, he hopes to study abroad with his girlfriend, Amy. However, his plans are disrupted by his National Service, which to him, is something that is passe and a waste of his youth...

    Part 2:
    After his recovery & realization of his mistakes, Ken returns to Tekong Island to continue his Basic Military Training (BMT). Determined to change, Ken prepares to prove himself. However, this change in attitude from Ken, immediately draws the dislike and mockery from some his Section mates led by Lobang. They feel that he is following after Wayang King’s footsteps, just trying to flatter the commanders so that he can stand out. Ken tries to explain but to no avail. Instead, their misunderstandings deepen as the training continues. At the same time, Ip Man’s girlfriend broke up with him because of another guy. Unable to contain his anger, Ip Man ask for help from Lobang & his Section mates to hatch a plan for revenge. They were able to get back at Ip Man’s girlfriend & her new boyfriend. The new boyfriend immediately informs his gang, and quickly found Lobang and the Section mates at their usual place where they have dinner before booking in. A fight broke out. Wayang King was the first to run away, while Ken hesitated, but eventually stayed behind to defend his Section mates. When questioned by the Commanders, Ken defended his actions because he learned that he should “Leave no man behind”, he can’t just run away. Seeing his Section mates being beaten up, is he right not to go through thick & thin with them? After this incident, what else is in store for Ken? What punishment will be met out because of the fight? How will the antagonisms between Ken, Wayang King, Lobang and the rest of the Section mates be resolved? In such an environment of mutual distrust and sabotage, will they be able to shake hands and work together, to face their greatest challenge?

    Part 3:
    The original cast of Ah Boys to Men will reprise their roles – this time as recruits of Singapore’s Naval Diving Unit (NDU).

    The movie offers a peek into the intensive training regime of the NDU, which have never been revealed so far. Together, the boys must survive 40 weeks of hell to become frogmen, one of Singapore’s most fearsome military units.

  • ストーリー紹介
  • Part 1:
    Ken, who is born into a rich family with a businessman father and a homemaker mother, has been spoilt by his mother and grandmother since young. After finishing his A Levels with subpar grades that are below the cutoff grades of the local universities, he hopes to study abroad with his girlfriend, Amy. However, his plans are disrupted by his National Service, which to him, is something that is passe and a waste of his youth...

    Part 2:
    After his recovery & realization of his mistakes, Ken returns to Tekong Island to continue his Basic Military Training (BMT). Determined to change, Ken prepares to prove himself. However, this change in attitude from Ken, immediately draws the dislike and mockery from some his Section mates led by Lobang. They feel that he is following after Wayang King’s footsteps, just trying to flatter the commanders so that he can stand out. Ken tries to explain but to no avail. Instead, their misunderstandings deepen as the training continues. At the same time, Ip Man’s girlfriend broke up with him because of another guy. Unable to contain his anger, Ip Man ask for help from Lobang & his Section mates to hatch a plan for revenge. They were able to get back at Ip Man’s girlfriend & her new boyfriend. The new boyfriend immediately informs his gang, and quickly found Lobang and the Section mates at their usual place where they have dinner before booking in. A fight broke out. Wayang King was the first to run away, while Ken hesitated, but eventually stayed behind to defend his Section mates. When questioned by the Commanders, Ken defended his actions because he learned that he should “Leave no man behind”, he can’t just run away. Seeing his Section mates being beaten up, is he right not to go through thick & thin with them? After this incident, what else is in store for Ken? What punishment will be met out because of the fight? How will the antagonisms between Ken, Wayang King, Lobang and the rest of the Section mates be resolved? In such an environment of mutual distrust and sabotage, will they be able to shake hands and work together, to face their greatest challenge?

    Part 3:
    The original cast of Ah Boys to Men will reprise their roles – this time as recruits of Singapore’s Naval Diving Unit (NDU).

    The movie offers a peek into the intensive training regime of the NDU, which have never been revealed so far. Together, the boys must survive 40 weeks of hell to become frogmen, one of Singapore’s most fearsome military units.