ゴシック (DVD) () アニメ
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  • ゴシック image 1
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  • ビデオ
  • NTSC Widescreen
  • オーディオ
  • 日本語
  • 字幕
  • 英語, 中国語, マレー語
  • ディスク
  • DVD ディスク
  • 地域コード
  • 地域コード All

  • 商品名 : ゴシック
  • 発売日 : 2011年07月05日
  • ディスク枚数 : 1 枚
  • 重量 : 230(g)

  • ストーリー紹介
  • Gosick consist of episode 1 to 25end.

    GOSICK takes place in 1924 in a small, made-up European country of Sauville. The story centers on Kazuya Kujo, the third son of a Japanese Imperial soldier, who is a transfer student to St. Marguerite Academy, where urban legends and horror stories are all the rage. There he meets Victorique, a mysterious yet beautiful and brilliant girl who never comes to class and spends her days reading the entire content of the library or solving mysteries that even detectives can't solve.

  • ストーリー紹介
  • Gosick consist of episode 1 to 25end.

    GOSICK takes place in 1924 in a small, made-up European country of Sauville. The story centers on Kazuya Kujo, the third son of a Japanese Imperial soldier, who is a transfer student to St. Marguerite Academy, where urban legends and horror stories are all the rage. There he meets Victorique, a mysterious yet beautiful and brilliant girl who never comes to class and spends her days reading the entire content of the library or solving mysteries that even detectives can't solve.