SKU: 9555652707391

One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) (DVD) (2020) Anime
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 1
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 2
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 3
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 4

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One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099)

  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 1
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 2
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 3
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 4

One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099)

  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 1
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 2
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 3
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 4

One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099)

  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 1
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 2
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 3
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 4

One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099)

  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 1
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 2
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 3
  • One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099) image 4
  • Video
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  • Region All
US$ 17.99 Add to Cart

  • Title : One Piece Box 36 (TV 1076- 1099)
  • Genre : Adventure
  • Episode : 1076-1099 end
  • Date of airing / In cinema : 2020
  • Listing date : 08 May 2024
  • Disc Qty : 1 pcs
  • Weight : 150(g)
  • Production country : Japan

  • Synopsis
  • 1076 The World That Luffy Wants! 魯夫所追求的世界
    1077 The Curtain Falls! The Winner, Straw Hat Luffy! 閉幕 獲勝者草帽小子魯夫
    1078 He Returns! The Shogun of the Land of Wano, Kozuki Momonosuke 歸來 和之國將軍 光月桃之助
    1079 The Morning Comes! Luffy and the Others Rest! 天亮了 魯夫等人暫時歇息
    1080 A Celebration Banquet! The New Emperors of the Sea! 慶祝之宴 新一代的海上皇帝們
    1081 The World Will Burn! The Onslaught of a Navy Admiral! 世界沸騰 海軍上將來襲
    1082 The Coming of the New Era! The Red-Haired's Imperial Rage 新時代到來 紅髮皇帝的憤怒
    1083 The World That Moves On! A New Organization, Cross Guild 變動的世界 新組織CROSS GUILD
    1084 Time to Depart - The Land of Wano and the Straw Hats 啟程之時 和之國與草帽小子一行人
    1085 The Last Curtain! Luffy and Momonosuke's Vow 閉幕 魯夫與桃之助的誓言
    1086 A New Emperor! Buggy the Genius Jester! 新皇帝 千兩小丑巴其
    1087 The War on the Island of Women! A Case Involving Koby the Hero 女人島之亂 英雄克比事件
    1088 Luffy's Dream 魯夫的夢想
    1089 Entering a New Chapter! Luffy and Sabo's Paths! 進入新章 魯夫與薩波的航路
    1090 A New Island! Future Island Egghead 新的島嶼 未來島蛋頭
    1091 Brimming with the Future! An Adventure on the Island of Science! 充滿未來 科學國度的冒險
    1092 Bonney's Lamentation! Darkness Lurking on the Future Island 波妮慟哭 未來島潛藏的黑暗
    1093 The Winner Takes All! Law vs. Blackbeard! 勝者全拿 羅VS黑鬍子
    1094 The Mystery Deepens! Egghead Labophase 謎團加深 蛋頭研究層
    1095 The Brain of a Genius - Six Vegapunks! 天才的頭腦 六位貝卡帕庫
    1096 A Forbidden Piece of History! A Theory Concerning a Kingdom禁忌的歷史 某個王國的假說
    1097 The Will of Ohara! The Inherited Research 歐哈拉的意志 被繼承的研究
    1098 The Eccentric Dream of a Genius! 異想天開 天才描繪的夢想
    1099 Preparations for Interception! Rob Lucci Strikes! 準備迎擊 羅布路基來襲

  • Synopsis
  • 1076 The World That Luffy Wants! 魯夫所追求的世界
    1077 The Curtain Falls! The Winner, Straw Hat Luffy! 閉幕 獲勝者草帽小子魯夫
    1078 He Returns! The Shogun of the Land of Wano, Kozuki Momonosuke 歸來 和之國將軍 光月桃之助
    1079 The Morning Comes! Luffy and the Others Rest! 天亮了 魯夫等人暫時歇息
    1080 A Celebration Banquet! The New Emperors of the Sea! 慶祝之宴 新一代的海上皇帝們
    1081 The World Will Burn! The Onslaught of a Navy Admiral! 世界沸騰 海軍上將來襲
    1082 The Coming of the New Era! The Red-Haired's Imperial Rage 新時代到來 紅髮皇帝的憤怒
    1083 The World That Moves On! A New Organization, Cross Guild 變動的世界 新組織CROSS GUILD
    1084 Time to Depart - The Land of Wano and the Straw Hats 啟程之時 和之國與草帽小子一行人
    1085 The Last Curtain! Luffy and Momonosuke's Vow 閉幕 魯夫與桃之助的誓言
    1086 A New Emperor! Buggy the Genius Jester! 新皇帝 千兩小丑巴其
    1087 The War on the Island of Women! A Case Involving Koby the Hero 女人島之亂 英雄克比事件
    1088 Luffy's Dream 魯夫的夢想
    1089 Entering a New Chapter! Luffy and Sabo's Paths! 進入新章 魯夫與薩波的航路
    1090 A New Island! Future Island Egghead 新的島嶼 未來島蛋頭
    1091 Brimming with the Future! An Adventure on the Island of Science! 充滿未來 科學國度的冒險
    1092 Bonney's Lamentation! Darkness Lurking on the Future Island 波妮慟哭 未來島潛藏的黑暗
    1093 The Winner Takes All! Law vs. Blackbeard! 勝者全拿 羅VS黑鬍子
    1094 The Mystery Deepens! Egghead Labophase 謎團加深 蛋頭研究層
    1095 The Brain of a Genius - Six Vegapunks! 天才的頭腦 六位貝卡帕庫
    1096 A Forbidden Piece of History! A Theory Concerning a Kingdom禁忌的歷史 某個王國的假說
    1097 The Will of Ohara! The Inherited Research 歐哈拉的意志 被繼承的研究
    1098 The Eccentric Dream of a Genius! 異想天開 天才描繪的夢想
    1099 Preparations for Interception! Rob Lucci Strikes! 準備迎擊 羅布路基來襲