SKU: DVD2564

Dr. コトー診療所(第2期) (DVD) (2006) 日本TVドラマ
  • Dr. コトー診療所(第2期) image 1
  • Dr. コトー診療所(第2期) image 2


Dr. コトー診療所(第2期)

  • Dr. コトー診療所(第2期) image 1
  • Dr. コトー診療所(第2期) image 2

Dr. コトー診療所(第2期)

  • Dr. コトー診療所(第2期) image 1
  • Dr. コトー診療所(第2期) image 2
  • ビデオ
  • NTSC Widescreen
  • オーディオ
  • 日本語
  • 字幕
  • 英語 , 中国語 , マレー語
  • ディスク
  • DVD ディスク
  • 地域コード
  • 地域コード All


  • 商品名 : Dr. コトー診療所(第2期)
  • 他の名前 : Dr. Amashow 2006 / Dr. Koto Shinryojo Season 2
  • 話数 : 全1~11話
  • 再生時間: 前後 520分
  • テレビ / 映画制作 : 日本 Fuji TV
  • 生産/放送日 : 2006年
  • 発売日 : 2007年01月21日
  • ディスク枚数 : 3 枚
  • 重量 : 230(g)
  • 生産国 : Japan

  • 監督
  • 中江功
  • 俳優
  • 柴咲コウ , 吉岡秀隆 , 時任三郎 , 大塚寧々 , 石田ゆり子 , 千石規子 , 泉谷しげる
  • ストーリー紹介
  • The Fuji Television drama, "Dr. Coto's Clinic" takes place on the fictitious Shikina Island. The drama was actually filmed on location on the beautiful Yonaguni--one of the islands in the Yaeyama island chain.

    Yonaguni Island is located some 2,030 km from Tokyo, 509 km from Okinawa, and 111 km from Taiwan. On a sunny day, the mountain range of Taiwan is visible from the island. The sea is filled with coral reefs, and is a very popular diving spot. The sea surrounding Yonaguni Island is the home to the dogtooth tuna, and hammerhead sharks. The ancient ruins located underwater, are the subject of intense interest of archeologists today. Yonaguni is also known for its fishing spots, where marlin weighing 80-200 kg, are regularly reeled in. Some lucky fishers have even come across marlin larger than 400 kg.

    The Yonaguni Horse is the smallest of the eight different types of native Japanese horses that exist. Another unique creature of Yonaguni Island is the world's largest moth called yonagunisan (or ayami habiru.) Its wing span can exceed 30 cm.

    The filming of "Dr. Coto's Clinic" would not have been possible without the cooperation of the people of Yonaguni Island and the prefecture of Okinawa. We are very grateful for their tremendous support.

    Theme song Gin no Ryu no Sei ni Notte by Nakajima Miyuki.

  • ストーリー紹介
  • The Fuji Television drama, "Dr. Coto's Clinic" takes place on the fictitious Shikina Island. The drama was actually filmed on location on the beautiful Yonaguni--one of the islands in the Yaeyama island chain.

    Yonaguni Island is located some 2,030 km from Tokyo, 509 km from Okinawa, and 111 km from Taiwan. On a sunny day, the mountain range of Taiwan is visible from the island. The sea is filled with coral reefs, and is a very popular diving spot. The sea surrounding Yonaguni Island is the home to the dogtooth tuna, and hammerhead sharks. The ancient ruins located underwater, are the subject of intense interest of archeologists today. Yonaguni is also known for its fishing spots, where marlin weighing 80-200 kg, are regularly reeled in. Some lucky fishers have even come across marlin larger than 400 kg.

    The Yonaguni Horse is the smallest of the eight different types of native Japanese horses that exist. Another unique creature of Yonaguni Island is the world's largest moth called yonagunisan (or ayami habiru.) Its wing span can exceed 30 cm.

    The filming of "Dr. Coto's Clinic" would not have been possible without the cooperation of the people of Yonaguni Island and the prefecture of Okinawa. We are very grateful for their tremendous support.

    Theme song Gin no Ryu no Sei ni Notte by Nakajima Miyuki.
